Attention Music enthusiasts!

I am a musician of sorts and though I am not particularly 'good' at it, I've had my fair share of experience in occasional compositions, production, stage plays and concerts. 

Just a few things I'd like to say to the people who may be reading my blog, especially to the music enthusiasts out there, 
  • Never forget your experiences: It goes without saying that your best learning methods comes from your experiences. Every experience you have in your field of interest, teaches you something very important. It may be small, or to the world it may seem irrelevant.
    But hold onto those things dearly, because you will definitely come to a point in life where you will never regret that which you learnt in your difficult times.
  • Humility: "Pride goes before a fall" right? I'll add to it by saying, "Humility goes before a rise". Trust me, the amount of embarrassing situations you can avoid just by being humble is enormous! Pride never gets you anywhere. A musician who has even the tiniest bit of pride in him/her will never be satisfied with anything (that's not only in case of music). On the other hand, when you esteem other musicians better than you, that's where your real worth is shown. 
  • God first: No matter who you are, or what you have accomplished in life, there is no joy in not knowing what God actually did in your life. "Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God and ALL these things shall be added unto you". He's given you the talent that you have. Always remember that God expects it back multiplied. If you cannot do that, you are not fit to be the musician you are, and God will just take it (your talent and opportunity) away from you and give it to someone else who better deserves it. (Scary right? Well that's the righteousness of God. Remember that we are following His ways and not He, ours.)
  • Only God: There's no such thing as compromising with the world when it comes to being a Christ's believer. Every song you write, every music you compose, every instrument you play, every musician you deal with etc., should be for God and by Him alone. I believe a musician on earth is a musician in training for the bigger role he/she will have in the Kingdom of God. If you are not faithful in that, well....let's just say that you probably would have to make do with hitting a triangle or blowing on a whistle for the rest of eternity.
  • Give it time: You cannot be a 'great musician' in a day, week, month or even several years. Know that the little things you do constantly makes a bigger impact, than the big stuff you do in a short period of time. Wait on the Lord, be of good courage, and God will strengthen your heart! (Psalms 27:14).
    Share your knowledge and skill with others. You will eventually the see the difference you make in people's lives.
  • Prayer and quite time: Know this that prayer doesn't always mean regularly asking God for many things that you think you want. God knows all that you need and He will provide them in the right time and place. What He expects of you though, is your time. We know that time is precious and the more we miss our opportunities, the more stressed out and 'peace-less' we are. Spending time with God never goes to waste. It gives you the strength to move on, know God more and understand what He wishes to do through you. Prayer is not asking for everything you need, but asking God to show His will and sufficient grace to do it. You can always use music during this time you spend with your God. Sing to your Father in Heaven and He will sing over you. God Himself loves to sing after all. (Zephaniah 3:17)

I can go on and on about many other philosophies and advises, but there's nothing better you can do to become the perfect musician, than to follow God's plan and purpose. 

P.S. Joel is NOT a successful musician. But he likes to type a lot. He just tends to share what God teaches him, and in no way is he implying that he is a perfect person.
Feel free to get in touch with him if you feel that you need to have a discussion with him on something that will edify you or him in Godly matters.
You can contact him on


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